About Us
The RSA Clusters Group is a not for profit company, with members and subsidiaries, registered in South Africa. Established by Industry, for Industry, the mission for the Initiative focuses on industry-led initiatives for growth and development in the Manufacturing Sector.
Our members are reshaping the environment that manufacturers are working in, and call on all non-members in manufacturing, to work with them get physical, help them to get competitive.
The Group provides enabling structures and bespoke mechanisms and tools for members for use in researching, drafting, and implementing Industry growth or restorative plans. Cluster Initiatives are formal interventions used to facilitate, coordinate, and manage cluster activities at a higher level, whilst mandated working groups give members the opportunity to have focused conversations, originate ideas, propose actions, outline Industry collective actions, and working with other companies to carry out cluster interventions, in both a spatial and supply chain context.
By combining the skills and experience of the industrialists themselves to those held by specialists, institutions, associations and alike, the Group benefits from some of the best inputs, insights and knowledge the industry has to offer. This synergy helps to push a unified message and a shared direction. The Group provides an inclusive platform for collaboration.
These are exciting times in which the private sector are getting involved in change, and shape shifting.
Don't be left out! Find out more! There are member packages for everyone
RSA Clusters Group invites Corporate companies, Independent firms, SMEs, Associations, Councils, Academia, and other Institutions with a focus on manufacturing, to be involved, and do their part in addressing the challenges frustrating industry from finding solutions to growth and sustainability.
Formal Letters
Letters written by the clusters to government.
CFMC Letter - Response to Proposed Changes to the Electricity Regulation Act and Electricity Pricing Policy in 2022
Industry Response - Proposed Changes to the Preferential Procurement Regulation in 2022
Letter to the Department of Labour: Compassion for the Unemployed Youth
Industry Response - Competitions Commission Proposed Block Exemptions for SMMEs
More Letters
Position Papers
Industry Profiles: Using Knowledge for Growth
The RSA Clusters Group envisions the creation of a single place to search and find South African industrial products and manufacturers. Using responsible technologies that keep companies in control of their own data, we wish to create a platform, owned by industry itself, that will make it easy for a buyer or industrial stakeholder to search the local industry for what they are looking for. These company profiles will lead the way to greater industry knowledge and understanding, empowering support structures and government in their activities and helping manufacturers make informed decisions.