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Weekly Meetings


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The RSA Clusters Group hosts free weekly calls which aim to open up a line of communication between industrialists, companies, industry support structures and other key stakeholders. We wanted to create an inclusive environment that facilitates open discussion and collaboration.


Unpacking the Steel Master Plan

14:00 - 15:30

A weekly meeting to discuss matters in and around the Steel and Metal Fabrications Master Plan. The Master Plan has been underway for a while now, yet communications and discussions outside of the core group have been limited. There are many initiatives and many more objectives. We aim to share some of the happenings within this key sector project with those that are not currently involved, shed some light on the matters being discussed, and share some of our thoughts. Each week we choose a topic to discuss. We welcome anyone interested in joining this discussion, as well as those that are merely curious.


The End of Week Wrap

08:00 - 09:30

A weekly meeting to discuss the happenings of the week. In this meeting, the RSA Clusters Group discusses what we have been up to, and opens the floor for other industry support structures such as associations, chambers, councils, clusters and professional bodies to do the same. We also provide time for those on the call to comment, express their thoughts and spark ideas that can help drive industry initiatives.

Some links and resources


Standard Operating Procedures

The RSA Clusters Group has developed a Standard Operating Procedure to help companies operate in the wake of a global pandemic. The materials are well researched and compiled collaboratively with meeting participants, cluster partners and two doctors who are Ministerial Advisor Committee to the Department of Health and National Coronavirus Command Council.

Previous Meetings

Our weekly meetings are recorded. We make recent meeting recordings available for anyone to watch at a later date.

Other Meetings

The RSA Clusters Group take part in many other meetings that may be interesting to members and other industry stakeholders. Some of the meeting resources are shared here.

Weekly Highlight

The RSA Clusters Group prepares a highlight at the end of each week, informing members and other stakeholders what the Group and its clusters and partners have been up to. The Weekly Highlight often also includes upcoming events, news and discussion topics of interest, links to important materials and updates from other stakeholders that are sharing with the Group. This weekly update aims to be brief, yet informative.

Please peruse the slideshow when ready. Use the arrow buttons provided to move back and forth.

Weekly Highlight
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