Companies face many challenges in the marketplace - whether it be competition, an increase in the costs of doing business (raw materials, overhead, the cost of energy, etc), policy that is prohibitive, or simply the inability to see substantial future opportunities. These challenges are often difficult to face alone.
Clustering is a concept that has been used for thousands of years, but has only been developed as a formal business strategy in South Africa within the past 10 years. The idea behind clustering is simple. A cluster is a group of companies that work collaboratively to overcome challenges and achieve objectives that would be too difficult to achieve as an individual company, for the benefit of the cluster and industry as a whole. A cluster brings together stakeholders such as buyers, suppliers, associations, chambers, unions and institutions to facilitate a purposeful, focused discussion.
The Electro Technical Industry Cluster is a non-profit, industry-led collective of manufacturers in the electrical, electro-mechanical, electro-technical and industrial software industries of South Africa. Our members are industrial manufacturers, solutions providers, developers and alike. The cluster takes on initiatives and sources projects that align with the cluster's values, focus areas and objectives. Above all, the cluster is an inclusive environment for local industry to engage and work together for the sustainability and advancement of the South African electro-technical sector.
Who Are We?
The Electro Technical Industry Cluster (ETIC) is a non-profit, industry-led collective of manufacturers and service providers in the electrical, electronic, electro-mechanical, electro-technical, software and associated industries.
With the substantial and growing opportunities brought about by the fourth industrial revolution (also referred to as Industry 4.0), the cluster is committed to work together to take advantage of these opportunities and address the challenges facing our members and the local industry as a whole. ETIC actively works to establish collaboration alliances with government, industry support structures, and other bodies, with the aim of using collaborative resources to implement action plans that will stimulate the use of local capacity and improve the competitiveness of South African made products.
With a large driving force of the cluster being localisation, through import replacement, the cluster aims to get more work for our members by gaining access to opportunities in the existing local marketplace, forming supportive and productive relationships with new project facilitators and creating new market opportunities.
Together, the collective bargaining power, great structures and open cooperation of the cluster and its members can forge forth a South Africa first industry, which rewards locally produced electro technical products and services, improving local manufacturing and contributing toward job creation.
Why Join?
A place where you can be heard, voice your concerns and be part of the discussion.
A place where you can be part of the solution.
A place where you can help shape future plans for the betterment of electro technical industries in SA.
Addressing broader industry challenges as a group - challenges that you cannot address alone.
A formal structure to enter into discussions with government, state-owned enterprise and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
An additional place for people to find your company and offerings, whilst being associated with local manufacturing in South Africa.
Be apart of the South African local supplier base as the cluster approaches new buyers.
Be informed of important industry initiatives underway in local industry.
A place to grow and develop.

Primary Focus Areas





Current Projects
Renewable Energy
Critical Skills Localisation
More is coming soon...

Our cluster webpages are under active development. Please check back soon.
Contact Us
Office Telephone
+27 (61) 244 1234