
A leading industrial park located near to the OR Tambo international airport, in Kempton Park. This area is home to many large businesses. Our goal is to create a work group where the businesses can not only work together to achieve the best business for everyone involved, but to also handle the issues that are a hindrance to all in the area.
Spartan Energy Users Group (SEUG) is a Formal Group with a committee established in May 2023, and currently has 21 members. The committee is working through the industrial Parks document set to structure the groups activities, and to assign leadership responsibilities.
Aim: To maintain uninterrupted electricity supply to the Spartan Industrial Area through the use of an accepted alternative load reduction mechanism to load shedding, called load curtailment.

The Spartan Energy Users Group recruitment team
From the left: Phumzile, Thapelo, Steve, Wouter, Tintswalo